Tucket product test - Day 126

by Todd

Do you like your toes?  Well, Mr. Crabs (that is what I call him) tried to eat my toes yesterday.  There I was, walking on the beach in Cabo...All of a sudden I see Mr. Crabs chilling in the sun.  

What do I do?  Well; I kick Mr. Crabs of course.  What else would I do?  Just leave him alone.

 I can't just leave him alone.  I am chief product tester for Tucket Footwear!  I must test plastic water shoes that I have.  I am like the guy in Game of Thrones.  I am the protector of the wall in a kind of way.

You can imagine how pissed the crab was.  He attacked, but the boat shoes survived.  

The lesson learned was that I need to work on my kicking game.